Uninstall the App
If you no longer have tickets for any upcoming game or event at the stadium, you can simply uninstall the app from your mobile.
Data Deletion Request
If you no longer hold tickets for any upcoming game or event at the stadium and do not think you will attend again in the future, you can request to have the information that Scottish Rugby and the App Developer holds for you in relation to the Scottish Rugby Ticketing app, to be deleted.
To delete your account data, please open the app and click Profile.
Click Account Details to open your personal information.
At the bottom of the screen, click Delete Account.
You will then be asked to confirm your request.
Please note, we strongly advise against requesting this if you still have tickets for future matches/events in your app, or are likely to receive them via purchases made or via the transfer option.
Once requested, we will contact you when all your data related to the Scottish Rugby Ticketing App held by Scottish Rugby and the App developer has been deleted.
Data Deletion Request Not Processed
If you have requested the deletion of your personal information held by Scottish Rugby and the App Developer related to the Scottish Rugby Ticketing App, we will check your app account to see if tickets are held for any future matches/events at the Stadium. If you do hold tickets, we will be unable to comply with your request and you will be contacted by Scottish Rugby to explain this in detail.
Once any future matches/events held at the time of the initial request have passed and you have no others left, you may then request the Deletion again.