Having people in your network allows to you manage season tickets, match tickets, and memberships on behalf of your friends and family. For information on My Network and how to set your own up online, please visit How to Set Up 'My Network'.
To assign a ticket/pass to someone else when making your booking, please follow the steps below or watch the video here:
Step 1:
Whether you are purchasing from a game online, paying for a reserved ticket/pass, or processing a renewal, you must ensure you are logged into your ticketing account and add your tickets/passes to your basket to be able to reassign these.
Step 2:
Once your tickets/passes have been added to your basket, click on the basket icon in the top right corner. Here you will see a breakdown of the tickets/passes you have added including the seat details, ticket type and the current assignee. To assign to another individual click Reassign.
Step 3:
In the pop-up box, you can select from someone that you have added to your network already, or you can search for another individual using their client reference number and their surname.
Click on the person you wish to assign to. Once you have selected, the pop-up box will close and you will see the updated member details on the seat in your basket.
Step 4:
You can now continue with your booking as normal.
Please note: you must assign your tickets/passes prior to confirming your booking. Once payment has been made there is no option to reassign through your online account.
If you have already purchased your ticket/pass and wish to discuss assignment options, please contact our Customer Services team.