This page will show you how to amend the following details on your account:
- Your postal address
- Contact information including Work, Home and Mobile telephone numbers.
- Personal Information including title, forename, initials, date of birth and gender.
- News Delivery Preferences where you can chose, if you wish to, the ways in which we send you. general information via Post, Email or SMS.
For guidance on accessing your online account, please visit How do I access my Account Online?
Once logged in, click on the person icon which appears at the top right hand corner of the portal. Under the notification bar that appears, click View Account Menu at the bottom.
Select Update Details from the drop down menu.
Once you are on the Update Details page, click on the Edit button. Once you're happy with the information provided, simply scroll to the bottom of the portal page and click on save. This will update your details with us and the information provided will be used in all future interactions with us, including where your tickets are sent to and the account email address to access your online account.